Our global reach is demonstrated by this international project - a series of personal, rough-hewn artist’s books, much more immediate and direct than standard, tidy monographs: a direct line to (and from) the artist’s psyche. They embrace illustrations, photography, text, graphics and collage, and are initiated and curated by Melville in collaboration with artists from Hamburg to Tokyo, often with accompanying exhibitions. Over 100 have now been published, to great interest and acclaim.
Check out all of them: 100for10.com
Art is a means to bring people together, to debate it’s meaning and effect and to provoke reactions. We have organized many 100for10 art exhibitions, most of them with participating artists and created a lively exchange between visitors and artists. Some content of 100for10 is “explicit” which we have exhibited in a darkened room with individual torchlights.
When 100for10 reached it’s 100th publication we created a successful crowed funding campaign in order to produce a master piece: 1000 pages by 100 artists contributing 10 pages each. Only a few copies were left after the first few weeks after it’s publication. Special: Each of those heavyweight books has a different cover.